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About Us

We’re a non-profit Christian company with the following distinctives:

  • Mission-focused: We make apps to make Christ known, to help reach all nations with the Gospel.
  • High quality: Apps that are easy to use, reliable, elegant, and exceed standards.
  • Free: No cost, no ads, no signup, no tracking, no catches, open source.

Our apps will always be free

While we could charge people to use our apps, include advertising, or offer paid premium features, we refuse to. Many believers around the world do not even have a way of paying online, let alone the funds to do so. We do not want to create any barriers for people to use our apps, or make them less useful for non-paying users.

Everything we make is completely free of cost and copyright restrictions, and always will be.

You can learn more about the importance of freely giving all ministry resources at Selling Jesus. You can learn more about the importance of removing all copyright restrictions from Christian resources at Let’s copy, church.


We believe the only way people are saved is by God’s grace through faith in Christ, and that the Bible is our ultimate authority on knowing God and his will.

Who we work with

We collaborate with numerous Christian organisations for the sake of the kingdom. Hundreds of missionaries from dozens of mission agencies use our secure newsletter software, Stello. Many of them work in sensitive places and do not wish to be identified.


Gracious Tech was founded by Jon, after he returned from a term of mission in south-east Asia. He realised there were many ways apps could help aid global mission and created several prototypes for his own use while on the field.

Jon has degrees in both IT and theology, as well as years of experience in software development, mission, and church ministry.

How we’re funded

  1. We receive donations from like-minded believers
  2. We use the funds to create high quality Christian apps
  3. We publish them for everyone to use for free!

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, Gracious Tech has developed several apps that are now blessing thousands of people. We’d love to keep improving them and develop even more.

I currently run the company and develop the apps. I frequently receive requests for new features from those on the mission field. God willing, I’d love to devote more time to this and have additional staff assisting. Many thanks if you’d like to help make that happen, and partner in this ministry.

– Jon, founder of Gracious Tech

Current Funding 40%

For a full-time app developer



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